
07/05/2019 Procurement & Supply Chain Fair | 22e. Dag van de Inkoop en Logistiek

We participated as exhibitor in the VIB-fair at the Dag van Inkoop en Logistiek 2019, and we really had a blast! The best procurement- and supply chain fair in Belgium. We spoke a lot of interesting people about what they need and what we can deliver and where we can match because…. [find out and …

07/05/2019 Procurement & Supply Chain Fair | 22e. Dag van de Inkoop en Logistiek Lees verder »

28/03/2019 Free Seminar | A Successful Procurement Transformation

Datum en tijdstip: donderdag 28 maart 2019 – 09:00 – 13:45Locatie: Kasteel Ter Ham Ruim 50 Procurement professionals namen deel aan ons seminar ???? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. Hierbij stelden we vooral ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? en hadden we boeiende discussies over de evolutie van skills en competenties voor de aankooporganisatie van de 21ste eeuw. Verder bespraken we ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? in turbulente tijden.   Thema’s en gastsprekers   Building …

28/03/2019 Free Seminar | A Successful Procurement Transformation Lees verder »